Dominic Holland Takes on Life vol.1

Dominic Holland


During his career as an award winning comedian, Dominic Holland has fearlessly confronted thorny and controversial subjects. Posing hard questions such as; When is an onion actually peeled and when is the right time to wash a towel?

Rest assured that his writing here is equally intrepid. In this important book, he demands answers to questions that other writers are too frightened to ask. Why is health and safety so dangerous? Where will the next Vivienne Westwood come from and how can we ensure this happens? Is the Mayor of London constipated? Thirty one hard hitting essays on the peculiarities of his life and yours. A provocative and unique work. It will make you smile. Make you think. It will cause you to reflect. It might even liberate you and allow you to move on with your life. Written for the toilet. A daily place of refuge and me-time in our frenetic world. A time for us to reflect on our lives and try to understand where things went so wrong. This book will agitate and assist this process. A laxative then to purge any regrets and replace them with wisdom and laughter. This is a self-help book masquerading in the humour section. An epistle to make you realise you are not alone. That you are enough. It might just be the most important book you ever read. Every toilet needs: a lock, paper, soap and this book, although not necessarily in this order.

Full Disclaimer Dominic Holland takes no prescription drugs. He has never been diagnosed with a mental condition. But it is known by his family that he is highly delusional. Whilst it is important to assert he is not considered to be a danger to himself or to anyone else, it is worth keeping this in mind when considering whether or not to purchase this book.

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